Snippet Sunday: January 17, 2016

Welcome to Snippet Sunday on Darkling Dreams!

Where writers come together to share a few sentences (8-10) of their current project — whether it’s a recently released novel, a WIP (work in progress), or an older manuscript that’s being revived. Intended to hook readers, gather feedback and build an author’s fan base, Snippet Sunday is the FB group that does all three.

Snippet Sunday

I am still going to continue on with the first book in the Dark Heir Chronicles, Fated to Darkness. When I’m going to switch to something new, I’m not quite sure yet. Maybe next month. I don’t know. We’ll see. For now, get lost in Heather’s very real nightmare.

Previously on Sunday Snippets: Four year old Heather had been kidnapped from her home by a woman clad in black and whisked off to another realm where she found her kidnapper wanted her to be her Heir. But not just any Heir. After being locked up and put through a ritual that has changed her and her life forever — though she does not yet know it — she has found herself in a small bare essential room with a tiny bathroom, and her new mentor has instructed her to clean herself up and be ready in ten minutes.

Picking up right where I left off from last week’s snippet. For clarification purposes, this was the last sentence of last week, spoken by Ciara: “That rush running through your veins. That almost adrenaline-like high that is pulsing through you. It’s a powerful, wicked feeling, and a tinge of cold to it that chills you. Don’t you feel it?”

(Some sentences may have been creatively edited and punctuated to try to fit the ten sentence limit. I’m over, again, I know. No surprise there anymore.)


She glanced up at the woman, her bright green eyes meeting those dark forest green ones. Yes, she felt that. She still felt it, but she had no idea what it was or what it meant; it was just…there, suddenly. After a moment, she nodded hesitantly.

“That is what magic feels like, the magic you now possess and will have the ability to use and control once I have taught you; that is what marks you as no longer mortal, as now a witch like myself. Did you think your hair and eyes changed by some accident? That is your change taking root, your Turning taking its course.”

She looked a little confused, not following what Ciara was talking about. “Turning?”

“What happened down there, Heir,” she said bluntly. “That was a Turning ritual, changing you from a pathetic mortal to a powerful witch. Though you know not the basis to be powerful. Yet, of course.

“B-But why?”

Ciara rolled her eyes, getting exasperated already; the child had too many questions, but at least she wasn’t a crying, sniveling mess as she had been before. Maybe that was the magic taking root in her now, the new feeling of it distracting her from the trauma. It wouldn’t last though, she needed the child to fear her, that was how she would break her.

“Did I not already explain you were to be my Heir?” she snapped, her voice cold again. “I have been searching for the appropriate Heir for some time now, and you, child, have fit the broom I was searching for.”

“What’s an heir?” she asked, genuinely confused about it — she had never heard the word before.

A low growl-like sound came from Ciara and the muscle in her hand twitched, like she wanted to smack her. “It means,” she drawled at a hiss, “that you will be my successor. You will take my place one day, whether you want to or not.”


This story is not yet on Wattpad because it is my baby that I hope to publish one day, and if no one will publish me, I am self publishing. But it’s also not on Wattpad because it’s in first draft phases yet. So there will be no “if you wish to read more…” And I do technically have a cover made but since my little crisis in changing the title…that’s going to change now, too.

However! If you wish to read anything else that I do have finished, you can hop on over to my profile on Wattpad and check out what I have to offer. I love to hear any and all feedback on my work as well. Comments are greatly appreciated, as are the reads.

And if you’re looking for some other great snippets of fellow authors,

hop on over to Facebook and check out Snippet Sunday!

19 thoughts on “Snippet Sunday: January 17, 2016

    • Ciara actually isn’t immortal, she can be killed. But because she despises humans as beneath her and pathetic, she refers to them as mortals. Pathetic mortals to be exact. There’s a bit more to it but I’ll leave it at that for now so I don’t give too much away. ;)

      Thanks for reading, P.T.! :)

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: Snippet Sunday: January 24, 2016 | Darkling Dreams

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