One Thing at a Time, One Step at a Time

So earlier I sat down to try to work out my thoughts better on the goals I made for 2o16. I journaled it out, going into more detail on what I would need to accomplish them, and the type of time frames I could be looking at.

(Seriously, journaled isn’t a word according to auto-correct? Well, it is in my books. I’m a writer, I’m allowed to make words up.)

Truthfully, I’m not sure if writing it out made me feel better about the goals, or a little intimidated. I mean, it doesn’t really look like TOO much, but when I think about it harder, I realize I set a lot of goals, some easier and smaller than others.

I believe I’ve started to work with a time frame I can deal with. Maybe.

Everything is tumbling around in my head yet and I might be slightly overthinking and being a little bit too unrealistic. Not that any of my goals are unrealistic, they aren’t. It’s just me and my problem of follow through and such…

Anyways, I figured if I can get through catching up on some journaling from last year, doing one entry a week, I will finish around mid-March. (I have six entries and I was thinking one a week to give me some leeway depending on work schedules and other things, so I’m not so overwhelmed.) If I finish by mid-March, that’s just in time for Camp NaNo in April, and I plan to do all three NaNo sessions this year — pending computer cooperation.

That will allow me to focus on NaNo and my novel during April without worrying, then I’ll have the beginning of May to set up the next set of journaling for this year before it starts. Of course, I plan to work on my novel all year, my goal is to finish the first book by the end of the year, and that will be my biggest challenge.

However, if I keep my goal to write consistently, I should have no problem getting it done, and then I can focus on the notes for it. I don’t plan to edit till next year, after taking a few months to focus on a different project so I don’t dive into it with a clouded conscious to it. That goal to write consistently also brings me to writing a short flash fiction piece each week, a small piece (anywhere around 500 words) that I will be making sure to post to Wattpad to keep myself going — and maybe draw some more attention to myself.

So those two kind of work themselves together in that time frame of early 2016, up till say May. Minus the novel, that will be all of 2016. And the flash fiction pieces, that will be every week, though I might give myself wiggle room during NaNo months.

Once spring rolls around (it can’t come soon enough with this weather) I can focus on some spring cleaning/organizing and also getting back into horseback riding when I don’t have to worry about the snow and ice to get there. The other goal is going to be a long process, but will need to be started soon and carry through till probably summertime.

A lot of this seems focused around the beginning and middle of the year. Which, that really isn’t all that bad considering come October in retail, the rest of my year is shot to nothing but work like mad until the end of January.

So maybe this will just work out. Maybe I’ll keep things in order and make out okay with these goals if I can just stick to it.

Of course, those goals don’t factor in the ever-growing to do list either though…

But — one thing at a time, one step at a time, right?

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