Snippet Sunday: July 12, 2015

Snippet Sunday

Keeping things consistent again while I am working on Darkness Becomes Her for Camp NaNoWriMo this month, I am posting some excerpts from a story I already have finished and posted to Wattpad, titled Rivers of Black, a short paranormal story.

Picking up right where I left off from last week’s snippet. My main character is thinking to herself about her despair. Her final thoughts from the last snippet were she wanted to be free.

A bit of background on this story as well: This story is rather dark and depressing. It deals with a topic some people would be hesitant to read; which is self harm and suicide. I don’t sugarcoat this either, I write it raw on how someone in my character’s state feels. Just be forewarned with that. I hope it doesn’t deter you from reading, but I know others cannot deal reading these kinds of things. (I don’t think this snippet is that bad, but of course I’m the author so my opinion on that may vary.)

(Some sentences may have been creatively punctuated to fit the ten sentence limit.)

I was sick of living a life that gave me no more happiness.

For weeks I’d been thinking about ending it, where I wouldn’t be sad anymore, wouldn’t be alone. I’d finally be free and not weighed down; it was all I longed for. I had pressed the scissors deeper and deeper into my skin, but they were only so sharp. The first time I tore apart my razor and used that blade was the deepest I had ever gone yet. I thought it would be deep enough and I’d finally be free but the knock on the bathroom door had stopped me cold.

There were too many distractions and worries that kept me from going to that point of no return. The fear that someone would find me in my room, lying in my blood and rush me to the hospital before I could pass on kept me from going to that point. I couldn’t risk being saved when all I wanted was something better than this life. It was then that I knew if I wanted that freedom I had to go somewhere else, somewhere no one would find me before I was too far gone.

Cover made by @_teenagers on Wattpad

Cover made by @_teenagers on Wattpad

If you want to read the whole story, it is available to read on Wattpad!  I love to hear any and all feedback on my work as well. Comments are greatly appreciated, as are the reads.

And if you’re looking for some other great snippets of fellow authors,

hop on over to Facebook and check out Snippet Sunday!

11 thoughts on “Snippet Sunday: July 12, 2015

  1. Pingback: Snippet Sunday: July 19, 2015 | Darkling Dreams

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