Snippet Sunday: September 27, 2015

Welcome to Snippet Sunday on Darkling Dreams!

Where writers come together to share a few sentences (8-10) of their current project — whether it’s a recently released novel, a WIP (work in progress), or an older manuscript that’s being revived. Intended to hook readers, gather feedback and build an author’s fan base, Snippet Sunday is the FB group that does all three.

Snippet Sunday

With this being the last week of September, this is going to be my last snippet from Rivers of Black. (Which I have talked myself into editing once more.) Next month, for Halloween, I am going to be switching to something a bit…spooky. He he he.

I am skipping ahead another few paragraphs from last week’s snippet. For all those dying to know what was coming next, you’re about to find out. To recap, my main character had been thinking about wanting to take her own life, but her fear of being found had stopped her. Now, she is out in the woods and has come across a sudden dark circle of wood that was not there before. Upon entering this eerie dark circle, she has stumbled onto a girl sitting on a rotten stump in the middle. A girl that was not there before, and my MC is now talking to this girl.

A bit of background on this story as well: This story is rather dark and depressing. It deals with a topic some people would be hesitant to read; which is self harm and suicide. I don’t sugarcoat this either, I write it raw on how someone in my character’s state feels. Just be forewarned with that. I hope it doesn’t deter you from reading, but I know others cannot deal reading these kinds of things. (There is really nothing bad to this snippet though, but it’s getting spooky.)

(The following has been creatively punctuated to fit the ten sentence limit.)

To help, this was the last line my MC asked the mystery girl:

“You thought what would be different here?”


With pleading eyes she answered me in a sorrowful voice that seemed to float on the wind around me and come from all directions.

“It’s cruel here, isn’t it? In this dark place I live, a life among the dead where only pain is felt; I watch and I listen to those around me, but no one can hear me, no one can see me, it’s as if I am invisible. Nothing has changed from one existence to the other, I’m still a nobody: you, like everybody else, will not yet know what it is like in this dark place. It’s saddening and dreary to be among the dead just watching and listening, painful to watch your memory over and over again as it haunts you behind the curtains of your eyes. Wouldn’t you think so? I sit here and cry but no one ever pays any attention to little old me. I’m an outcast to you and to everybody that can see and hear my words, but of course you would never know what it is like yet in this cold dark place.

“Existence to you is different to me in this forest of decay. No light penetrates here, no light ever will.”

Cover made by @_teenagers on Wattpad

Cover made by @_teenagers on Wattpad

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And that is how I’m going to leave you guys with this story. I know, I’m evil, because you still don’t know who the girl is or what’s going on. Major cliffhanger. But… If you want to read the whole story and see how it ends, it is available to read on Wattpad! (Though I am in the slow process of editing it once more.) I love to hear any and all feedback on my work as well. Comments are greatly appreciated, as are the reads.

And if you’re looking for some other great snippets of fellow authors,

hop on over to Facebook and check out Sunday Snippets!

14 thoughts on “Snippet Sunday: September 27, 2015

    • That was exactly what I was going to. It would only get even more powerful from here on out. I wish I wasn’t switching to something new next month, I would have loved to show more.
      And thank you for reading, Karysa! :)


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