I Am Not Possessed (Snippet Sunday 4.1.18)

Welcome to Snippet Sunday on Darkling Dreams!

Where writers come together to share a few sentences (8-10) of their current project — whether it’s a recently released novel, a WIP (work in progress), or an older manuscript that’s being revived. Intended to hook readers, gather feedback and build an author’s fan base, Snippet Sunday is the FB group that does all three.

snippet sunday

Happy Easter, folks! Or, as I’ve been saying all day, happy Easter Fools! Hopefully April Fool’s tricks didn’t ruin the holiday in any way. If you’re participating in 2018’s first NaNoWriMo session, welcome to the madness that is Camp NaNo as well! The descent into the fevered writing frenzy has begun, and probably with a rough start for most seeing as it began on a holiday. I know I haven’t had a single chance to write yet. Not that I was ready for it yet thanks to the “second Christmas” rush Easter brings to retail.

With Camp NaNoWriMo having begun I’m switching up what I’m sharing from again. For those that have followed along over the last couple years, you know I got my debut publication in 2016 with one of my short stories in an anthology. Since the company went out of business last year and I received my rights back I began rewriting Embermyst into a full fleshed out novel last November. My project for the month of April is to continue (and hopefully finish) the rewritten story. That means for this whole month I will be sharing from Embermyst as part of the motivational process to write.

I don’t want to pick up halfway through the novel sharing from my current writing location, so I’m going to start from the new beginning. So without further ado, here are the first ten lines to the never before seen prologue of Embermyst

(Excuse any wonky punctuation to meet the ten line limit and any errors; this is still an unedited WiP.)


“IN THE NAME of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-“

“Quit your chanting!” Morticia shouted over the din of the priest’s rising and falling voice, her own cracking with strain. Sweat dripped down the sides of her face, plastering black locks of hair to her skin. Her chest heaved with each labored breath she took. The stress began to take a toll on her body, sapping her energy, draining her fight. Her heart raced a mile in her chest, “For the thousandth time, I am not possessed by some demon!”

She jerked her head away from one of his disciples attempting to draw another cross on her forehead in holy water. The other waved a cross the size of his hand in front of her face before laying the cold metal against the heated bare skin of her chest. In vain she tried to weakly buck and twist away from them, rough hands forcing her back down on the bed by the shoulders. Coarse rope cut into fragile wrists from her continuous fighting; blood roared in her eardrums, beginning to blur the world with strain and exhaustion.


I don’t think they are going to listen to reason.

I Was Engaged (Embermyst Promotion)

Due to the fact this is still a WiP I do not have a reworked blurb to share yet and the image comes from the original short story (a part that has not changed, mostly, the second question is a little different; I just haven’t fully figured out the new question to change it yet). Nor will the story be posted to Wattpad either as I have all intentions of pitching it for publication upon its completion. That being said there will be no “if you wish to read more” option.

However! If you wish to read anything else that I have out for free, you can click the tabs above to browse through my available works and then follow the links to my Wattpad account. I love to hear any and all feedback on my work as well. Comments are greatly appreciated, as are the reads. You can also find me on my Facebook author page to keep up to date with all that’s going on in my writing.

And if you’re looking for some other great snippets of fellow authors,
hop on over to Facebook and check out Snippet Sunday!

9 thoughts on “I Am Not Possessed (Snippet Sunday 4.1.18)

  1. I’m so glad to hear you’re working on making Embermyst a few length novel. :)
    I really enjoyed the short story and would love to have more.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! That means a whole lot. :) As of right now it’s up to 43k words with lots of new characters and settings and a little bit different storyline. I’m loving it a lot more than how the short story read. Thanks for stopping by, Karen!


  2. Congratulations and good luck with this – I found the snippet intriguing and there was a well portrayed air of menace and foreboding about the scene. I have to say all but one of my novels, including my current WIP, started out as short stories – sometimes the characters just want more don’t they! :)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: I Am Not His… (Snippet Sunday 4.8.18) | Darkling Dreams

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