Never Say Never (Snippet Sunday 2.12.17)

Welcome to Snippet Sunday on Darkling Dreams!

Where writers come together to share a few sentences (8-10) of their current project — whether it’s a recently released novel, a WIP (work in progress), or an older manuscript that’s being revived. Intended to hook readers, gather feedback and build an author’s fan base, Snippet Sunday is the FB group that does all three.

snippet sunday

January has come and gone and we’re onto February now. I’m quite upset the groundhog decided we needed six more weeks of winter, I’m ready for Spring. My writing goals and endeavors have royally been screwed up this year so far, but for this month I am going to be sharing from something I just started. I’m no longer sure what it’s going to turn into exactly (short story or novella), and I’m also no longer sure when I’m going to finish it, but it’s been fun to write so far so we’ll see. This month I’ve taken a new path in my snippets while I share from Clockwork Heart, a steampunk, fantasy, modern-cross story. It’s still a WiP and I only have the first chapter completed so please excuse an errors and suggestions are welcome.

This week’s excerpt picks up right from last week’s snippet. For refreshing purposes, they were talking about traveling the world.


“I think you would love it,” he said softly, plucking a hexagonal flower from the grass and twirling it between two fingers.

“I do not understand love, Eric.”

He wore that same pained expression he had once classified to her as sadness, and she did not understand why he was sad.

“I know,” he whispered, “but I wish I could teach you what it’s like. I wish I could teach you all emotions and sensations, and that you would be able to feel it too.”

“It is not possible.”

The matter of fact response made the pain in his expression deepen and again she knew she had done something wrong, but she could not understand what. Upon the next breeze that blew over the hill Eric let the flower be carried away on its stream, watching it with a strange wistful expression. He had that expression more often than not around her anymore.

“Never say never, Lavinia,” Eric replied softly, staring off. “I think you would love it. To travel and see the wonders of my world. To see Earth, the ocean, forests. Clockwork is so…modernized. There is not enough of…this,” he gestured around at the rare piece of green landscape surrounding them, “around here. Not enough wilderness and wildness. I think you would love the freedom, the change. I wish you would change your mind and let me show you my world.” His eyes landed on hers, hovering for a moment before he looked off with a sigh.


Technically, he did just say never twice, but…we’ll overlook that.

Due to the fact this is a new WiP, I do not have a cover or blurb yet, neither is it posted to Wattpad at this time. So there will be no “if you wish to read more…”

However! If you wish to read anything else that I have out for free, you can hop on over to  my profile on Wattpad and check out what I have to offer. Or if you wish to read my debut release, Embermyst, you can find out more about that in the tabs above. (I’m working on the tabs, bare with me.) I love to hear any and all feedback on my work as well. Comments are greatly appreciated, as are the reads. You can also find me on my Facebook author page to keep up to date with all that’s going on in my writing.

And if you’re looking for some other great snippets of fellow authors,
hop on over to Facebook and check out Snippet Sunday!

9 thoughts on “Never Say Never (Snippet Sunday 2.12.17)

  1. Pingback: Not Lost Enough (Snippet Sunday 4.2.17) | Darkling Dreams

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