NEW Release Details

I might still be playing suspenseful with my SECOND release coming up, but this time there is enough of a wait and more solid details for me to announce the when and how.

So, while I am keeping the magazine and my story title in the shadows for a little bit longer, I can at least tell y’all what to anticipate:

This will be another print and digital issue like my publication with Livina Press. However, this is more what you would expect to see when you hear the word “magazine,” unlike Livina’s anthology-like format. This one features art and photography alongside writing. Both have their own beauty to them, and I am super excited to hold another print edition that houses my own work, regardless of their formats.

However, the digital edition won’t release right away. It will come out a few weeks after the release of the print edition. To that effect, this magazine is also more worldwide and the issue will print and ship outside of the United States.

I will drop a little breadcrumb and hint that the theme of this particular issue was “reflections.” Guess with that what you will.

Normally, I don’t like submitting to magazines that have issues centered around a theme because the magazine might feel like a great fit, but what you have polished may never fit the submission themes. This one just fell perfectly in place though and I couldn’t not submit.

Good thing I did, huh?

Lastly, and most importantly, the release date of the print edition got pushed just a little, but it is coming out on Friday, May 10th!

Stay tuned for some insane stats and the actual release next week!

2 thoughts on “NEW Release Details

  1. Pingback: Release Amendment + NB Stats | Darkling Dreams

  2. Pingback: Happy Release Day…Again! | Darkling Dreams

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