Prove It (Snippet Sunday 3.12.17)

Welcome to Snippet Sunday on Darkling Dreams!

Where writers come together to share a few sentences (8-10) of their current project — whether it’s a recently released novel, a WIP (work in progress), or an older manuscript that’s being revived. Intended to hook readers, gather feedback and build an author’s fan base, Snippet Sunday is the FB group that does all three.

snippet sunday

For those that were following and looking forward to another snippet from Clockwork Heart… Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m holding off on sharing from that WiP this month, even though I missed the final shares for it in February. The (tentative) plan right now is to come back to it in April during Camp NaNo, because I believe that is the story I will be working on for Camp. Providing I do in fact manage to finish Fated to Darkness this month, and providing another WiP doesn’t scream at me to work on it instead. There’s quite a few trying to grab my next immediate attention…

So while I madly write away at the FINAL five chapters of Fated to Darkness, I’m once more going to share snippets from that novel for motivation. Hopefully ya’ll aren’t getting tired of seeing this novel.

This week’s excerpt picks up right where we left off in last week’s snippet.

And now for the second peek at Chapter 9: The Gift…
(I may be jumping around a lot in this chapter, or skipping further ahead, to avoid spoilers.)


“Well?” Ciara hissed.

Heather swallowed past the lump that had formed in her throat. “Y-Yes,” she stuttered.

Ciara eyed her for a moment, probably trying to judge the truth to her reply. Heather was rather sure she didn’t find much in it. She wasn’t sure of her own reply after all. Instead, the word had been laced with more fear and horror than anything, even to her own ears. She wasn’t actually succumbing to her, she was acting out of cowardice; and cowardice was weakness in Ciara’s eyes.

“Then you shall prove it.”

The cold authority in her voice made Heather’s stomach drop out. Prove it? Oh goodness, she hoped that didn’t mean she would have to hurt the girl. She had hoped this was one of those learn-the-lesson-and-apply-it-next-time times, not do-it-over-and-over-until-she-got-it-right times.

“Let’s go,” she demanded, beckoning Heather over.

Hesitantly, she shuffled over to Ciara who immediately grabbed her upper arm tightly. With a flick of her hand a wind swept through the room, blowing out the torch on the wall and plunging them back into near darkness, save for the torch Ciara held in her other hand. She was dragged roughly down the corridor once more until they reached the same cell that housed the girl.


I think worse just came to worst… For more than one party involved.

Fated to Darkness Cover Final

Three year old Heather Fraeis is like every other normal toddler. With a loving family, a family dog, and a little bit spoiled.

But fate can be a twisted and cruel friend.

Kidnapped on the night of her fourth birthday by a woman clad in black, Heather is whisked away to a realm that has never been known to exist. Forced into a life she doesn’t want as her kidnapper’s Heir, she comes to find that monsters do in fact exist, nightmares are more than bad dreams, and magic is more than just the thing of fairy tales.

Lies, fear, secrets, and pain await her around every corner. Swallowed whole by the dark path laid out before her, she is forced to fall with no light at the end of the tunnel to give her hope. Until she meets a young boy that may change everything once more for her…

Can Heather defy all the odds and overcome who is she forced to become? Or will it be too late for her to rise above the fate laid before her?

This story is not yet on Wattpad because it is my baby that I hope to publish one day, and if no one will publish me, I am self publishing. But it’s also not on Wattpad because it’s in first draft phases yet. So there will be no “if you wish to read more…”

However! If you wish to read anything else that I have out for free, you can hop on over to  my profile on Wattpad and check out what I have to offer. Or if you wish to read my debut release, Embermyst, you can find out more about that in the tabs above. (I’m working on the tabs, bare with me.) I love to hear any and all feedback on my work as well. Comments are greatly appreciated, as are the reads. You can also find me on my Facebook author page to keep up to date with all that’s going on in my writing.

And if you’re looking for some other great snippets of fellow authors,
hop on over to Facebook and check out Snippet Sunday!

13 thoughts on “Prove It (Snippet Sunday 3.12.17)

  1. Pingback: Pick It Up (Snippet Sunday 3.19.17) | Darkling Dreams

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