Who The Hell Are You? (Snippet Sunday 8.14.16)

Welcome to Snippet Sunday on Darkling Dreams!

Where writers come together to share a few sentences (8-10) of their current project — whether it’s a recently released novel, a WIP (work in progress), or an older manuscript that’s being revived. Intended to hook readers, gather feedback and build an author’s fan base, Snippet Sunday is the FB group that does all three.

snippet sunday

For a couple months — August and September I’m thinking — I am switching back to sharing from my adventure novel, Breaking Point. In October I might switch back to Fated to Darkness as I hope to have the first draft finished by then. (Yes, finished. I can hardly believe I’m saying that.) Should that happen, I’ll be posting to celebrate completing my first ever novel manuscript. Until then, enjoy more horses and mysterious bad guys!

Previously on Sunday Snippets: Our main character, who has yet to be named, has taken a ride through the forest on her horse Midnight, and has found herself racing a buck through the foliage. Midnight and his rider have veered off the path somewhere and have now found themselves in a uncharted part of the forest they have never seen before. They have run into a band of armed riders who seem threatening, and are surrounded now.

Picking up right where I left off from last week’s snippet. Perhaps he’ll spill the million dollar question of what game he has for them to partake in.

(Some sentences may have been creatively edited and punctuated to try to fit the ten sentence limit. I’m over, again. Can we just agree that my snippets will always be a little longer but not too long?)


Confusion struck me at his words. “What game?”

“All in due time. But right now I need you to get off your horse.”

I shook my head, tightening my grip even more. Midnight pranced to the side, backing farther away from the approaching stranger. The minute Midnight made a move I heard the distant click of multiple guns being loaded. I yanked back on the reins and darted my eyes around the pressing circle of riders. Every other one of them held a gun in their hands. The same gun that the mysterious stranger had. In better view now, I realized it wasn’t your traditional shotgun. It almost looked like a tranquilizer gun, and that set off warning bells in my head.

I tore my gaze back to the approaching horse, tears freely spilling down my face as terror mounted inside me. “What do you want with us?!” I screamed.

The stranger continued to advance on us, Midnight backed away another step with each step the stranger’s horse took towards us. I didn’t make a move to stop Midnight, I was too frozen with fear to register his movements.

“I told you, my dear. You’re going to be a piece in my game. Don’t make this any harder on yourself or your horse. You know that kind of stress isn’t good for Midnight. Slowly, get off him, will you?”

Midnight snorted at his words, registering his name being used. My eyes widened in shock and I stuttered, “How…how did you know his name? Who the hell are you?”


Another million dollar question! Just how does he know her horse’s name, and does he then know her name? Tranquilizer guns aren’t a good sign either.

Breaking Point 3

This story is not yet on Wattpad either as it is another unfinished work and unedited as well. I refuse to put up anything that is unedited. One day I hope to finish this book, but my focus this year is Fated to Darkness.

However! If you wish to read anything else that I do have finished, you can hop on over to  my profile on Wattpad and check out what I have to offer. I love to hear any and all feedback on my work as well. Comments are greatly appreciated, as are the reads.

And if you’re looking for some other great snippets of fellow authors,
hop on over to Facebook and check out Snippet Sunday!

19 thoughts on “Who The Hell Are You? (Snippet Sunday 8.14.16)

  1. Pingback: Don’t Try It (Snippet Sunday 8.21.16) | Darkling Dreams

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