The Descent Into Madness

And this time I don’t just mean for Camp NaNoWriMo.

While the descent into that madness does start tomorrow, I have been spiraling down into madness on more than one thing lately.

Remember me saying on my post last Friday that I had a seven day straight work period and finally three days off after it this past weekend? Well, that weekend was shot due to constant dreary weather and rain. And my day back to work today wasn’t any better.

It was definitely Monday, and I swear it was a random Mercury in Retrograde fluke with all the tech problems I had at work.

Just to keep things nice and sweet, let’s just say my registers were not accepting credit or gift cards, the wi-fi was completely down, and the phone lines were not receiving calls and putting any out. Not to mention a few various other things. I pretty much played phone tag (using my cell phone) to get ahold of everyone I needed to about the problems, which took up most of my night so I didn’t get much done at all.

Between the Hell Week of work I had (which was my seven day straight work period), my dismal three day vacation that got rained on, and this lovely night of weirdness and frustration, I feel like I’ve lost my mind.

Tonight was definitely a shoot-me-now kind of night.

So besides my descent into madness over all those lovely adult problems, Camp NaNo is about to spiral me down even further into insanity.

Or maybe I’ve already hit rock bottom in that department. I don’t even know anymore.

I was supposed to have off on Wednesday for the start of Camp, but I’m now picking up a shift for my GM (general manager) because my DM (district manager) called a sudden GM meeting in which she has to go to on that day after the schedule was made and since I’m the only one that can pick that shift up, guess who now has to work?

Not too happy about that.

I was looking forward to having the first day of Camp off to try to build a cushion for Camp. (Goddess knows I will need it.) But now since I no longer have that day off, plus I’m working Wednesday through Sunday, I am going to be scrabbling to keep at goal for the beginning of the month already.

Not how I wanted to start this Camp off.

Luckily, I do have today off so I can hopefully get some other things out of the way and be all set up for Camp tomorrow. That way I can just dive right in and hopefully hash out a thousand words a day. Because yes, I am an idiot and set my goal to 31k for the month. Which means I need 1k a day to make that goal on time.

Fingers crossed I keep to it this time. I’m trying to pep talk myself into keeping with it and not changing my goal towards the end of the month because I know I won’t make it. Like last Camp in April. I’ll see how it goes.

But if I get things set up tomorrow, like small outlines or something, and then make sure I light a fire under my ass for the rest of the month, I think I’ll be okay. Work killing me is going to be my biggest problem when I don’t have much time off. I’m already exhausted as it is, this is just going to add to it.

So I think I’m just going to see what else I can get done before July 1st, cross my fingers, and hope I don’t spiral too much farther into madness.

Who am I kidding though?

I’m already there.

10 thoughts on “The Descent Into Madness

  1. Aww, that’s horrible, Dark! Well, I’m sad to hear that this round of life has been as tough as Mike Tyson, but keep staying strong! After all, we need to read more of your stuff! I’m still dying from the last excerpt you gave me!


    • OMG HI! I seriously had no idea you were still following along in my blog. Now I’m really excited that you are. :)
      If you haven’t seen my latest few excerpts from the past couple of weeks, you can find them on here and read them. I can’t remember which one was the last one I showed you.
      But thank you. :) Your comment just made my night.


      • I have been keeping a good tabs on your blog, so I’m pretty up to speed :). I like the news from ypur most recent post; way to go on that progress! That is AMAZING! I’m seriously jealous right now :)


        • Thank you. :) That really means a lot to me that you’re keeping tabs.
          As for that progress, today has kept me pretty busy from doing anything else in writing. But I got my 1k in at midnight last night so I’m still set. You should try Camp sometime, I think you’d like it.


      • Thanksa! I have signed up and I’m ready to go! Hey, what is you user there? Could I contact you somehow through there? I AM kinda hogging up this comment biard, haha. Anyway, I can’t wait for your next post!


        • Yay! Welcome to the madness! LOL.
          And you sure can contact me there. My username is my penname there: D.Morgana
          Nah, you aren’t hogging up the comment board, there aren’t any other comments on this post anyways. Lol. Next post will be up tomorrow! Or maybe midnight tonight for me if I still have energy by then.


      • Awesome! Well, you DO know how I love madness >:D I AM Chaos after all. Also, I can’t wait for your next post! Maybe I can conquer the comment secrion there too ;)

        Hear that other Morgana fans! Fight me if you dare! I am and will always be her biggest fan; Muahahaha!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Oh yes, madness, plotting, and all things evil. You love to torture your characters. Then again, so do I. Lol.
          Blog post should be up in about an hour and a half, not long after midnight for me.
          And I feel honored that you’re a fan of mine. I can honestly say you’re probably by first big fan. :)


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