Snippet Sunday: February 1, 2015

Welcome to my first ever Snippet Sunday bit!

(Do I even have to say I’m nervous?)

Since I currently have a few small works posted to Wattpad, I am going to start there with my snippets and give you all a peek at those before moving onto sharing bits and pieces of my current WiP novel.

This first one comes from the first story I posted to Wattpad: a small, short horror piece titled The Black Lake. The snippet starts off from the very beginning of the story.


It hovered over me like a cloak surrounding my body as I ran through the darkened forest in the dead of night. My mind kept flicking back to the scene I had just witnessed. I wanted to scream and run away as fast as I could, forgetting the horrors I had just seen. But my feet couldn’t seem to carry me fast enough away from it all. The piercing gaze of the creepy man bore an imprint on the back of eyelids even though he had looked at me for no more than a split second before I was running in fear. I still couldn’t run fast enough, couldn’t get far enough away from what I’d seen to erase it from my mind or my eyes. I was desperate to leave it behind in my wake, but no matter how fast I ran or how far I ran nothing could burn the image from my mind’s eye, not even acid would do that now.

I just had to forget it all and focus on putting one foot in front of the other and run as fast as I could.

Before the man came for me next…

The Black Lake Cover Final (Originally GD)

If you want to read the whole story, it is available to read on Wattpad! I love to hear any and all feedback on my work as well.

And if you’re looking for some other great snippets of fellow authors, hop on over to Facebook and check out Snippet Sunday!

10 thoughts on “Snippet Sunday: February 1, 2015

  1. You paint a very dark, frantic picture–I was a bit short of breath myself! :)

    (And can I say how cool it is to have a horror writer in the group? ‘Cause it is! Is that your main genre or do you have others?)


    • Thank you so much! I’m glad you liked it. :)

      (Honestly, my genres bounce all over the place. My main three are horror, paranormal, and dark fantasy. Anything dark, creepy, and twisted I am drawn to like a moth to a flame. So I mainly write those three genres. (Though I am currently working on an adventure novel.) But those are the three I write the most.)


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